Olivia Rodgrio Debuts First Album “Sour”

Following the smash hits of “driver’s license” and “deja vu”, Olivia Rodrigo’s raw lyricism shines on her debut album “Sour” and her bold vulnerability makes it the perfect depiction of adolescence. An emotional journal, her lyrics are poignant and relatable while discussing everything from self-doubt, jealousy, and impossible expectations to her inability to parallel park. Rodrigo has eagerly embraced unexpected genres in her following singles and, now debut album. From the electric and angsty “good 4 u” and “brutal” reminiscence of early Paramore to the gentler melodic sounds of “enough for you” and “favorite crime” the depth and range of the album showcase the emerging pop artist’s musical versatility beyond the emotional ballads that fueled her rise to fame. The mix of moods and genres parallel the wide range emotional rollercoaster it is to grow up, especially in the digital age. The theme of perception and identity is beautifully woven throughout the album in her brutally honest lyrics and textured melodies that are relatable to any member of Gen Z today – no matter their follower count. 

“Sour” is unapologetically a teenage heartbreak album and it’s arguably the album’s greatest strength. As other critics remarked, the album often lacks wisdom and perspective, but who has it all figured out at seventeen? Rodrigo certainly doesn’t pretend she does, and instead goes full in on writing what she does know – the teenage experience. While the vivid storytelling lyrics of high school heartbreak might not appeal to all ages, only writing about what she does feel generates the sense of raw honesty that draws in her fellow teens. Much like her idol, Taylor Swift, it is likely that as Rodrigo matures, so will her music and sound, and, if anything, “Sour” proves to be a beyond promising first step. 


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